by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 7, 2022 | Circular Habits, Energy, Materials
If your tap water is drinkable, you should try drinking it. It is healthier and does not produce waste. If not possible, better use bottled water in glass containers (and far better if they are made from recycled material), or just buy the water from a company that...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 6, 2022 | Circular Habits, Comfort, Energy
Drawing the curtains or pulling down the blinds at night, during the cold months can help to keep the house warm for longer, and reduces heating...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 5, 2022 | Circular Habits, Comfort, Energy
In the summer months, overheating can occur since direct sunlight enters through the windows. It is important to avoid the latter, by using sunscreens such as overhangs, slats, awnings, deciduous vegetation or even curtains or blinds if we have no other option...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 4, 2022 | Circular Habits, Comfort, Energy
It is important an adequate regulation of temperature in highly hot and cold months. It is advisable to keep home between 22°C and 25°C in summer and between 19°C and 21°C in winter during the day and between 15°C and 17°C at night. As humidity increases in summer, it...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 3, 2022 | Circular Habits, Comfort, Energy
Think about the house layout so that you can use natural light in the most efficient way, according to the different activities you do. Choose soft colours for interior walls or install solar tubes or skylights to favour the entry of natural light in darker areas:...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 3, 2022 | Circular Habits, Energy
A first step to save energy of your fridge is to find a cool and ventilated location for it, away from potential sources of heat. Keep the back clean and well ventilated, and set temperature at 5°C for the fridge and -18°C for the freezer. It is advisable to plan...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 2, 2022 | Circular Habits, Energy
“Stand-by” modes are parasitic loads or “electric vampires”, which consume quite a lot of energy. 1W is approximately € 1 per year. You can use a power strip or timed socket to avoid unwanted consumption.
by Ignacio López Cortés | Sep 1, 2022 | Circular Habits, Energy
Change your energy supplier to one only using renewable energy, if you have not already done so. if all the energy you consume comes from renewable sources, you should also try to be as efficient as possible, because all energy production needs natural resources and...
by Ignacio López Cortés | Aug 31, 2022 | Circular Habits, Water
Try to minimize the time on the daily shower. Every single minute is vital in water saving. And if you would like to go a step further, just consider starting to have the shower using slightly cooler water.