Learn how to be circular
and make your home sustainable

About Circularity
Being Circular / Circularity is a new economic model, environmentally friendly, aware of the planet limitations

How can I be more circular?
Use this tool to discover how circular your home or building are and get some advice

Circular Solutions & DIY
Develop these DIY projects and discover circular measures and specific products to make your home more sustainable

Drive 0 is a collaboration of 7 European countries.
The objective is to improve the circular renovation process and buildings in order to make them sustainable.

The Drive 0 Project began in October 2019, and seven European countries are taking part in it. Its main goal is to improve circularity in building renovation processes, in order to promote sustainability.

Within the framework of the Drive0 Project, this website has been created to help people make their homes more circular, offering advice on issues such as saving energy, water and materials, and improving comfort , air quality or consumption habits. All of this is aimed at enhancing the quality of life and ensuring long-term survival on the planet.

Circularity tooll

Do you want to know how to make your home more sustainable?

Use this tool to discover how much circular is your home and get some advice.

If you are the owner of a house or the whole building, but you don´t live there because you have rented it or it´s simply empty, select the option of “building with more than one dwelling”. Or select the option of “single – family house / single dwelling in multi – family building” if you live in the house, whether it is for rent or you own it.

Circular Solutions

Measures & Products

Implement these measures and commercial products to be more circular in your home.

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Easy “Do It Yourself” ideas that you can make in your home to improve its circularity.

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Discover habits that you can implement in your home and be more circular.

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Let´s get in touch

New Field

15 + 7 =

Partners in the project